How to Create a Password Protected Page

, is what you put at the end of anything you want hidden.

Please keep in mind that any text, information, or attachments that you place outside of these two tags will be visible to the general public. Let’s click on the List All tab and I will show you a page that has already been set up.

Here at the List All view click on Members Area. You’ll see a header line called Town Club Documents. Under the header you’ll see the first protected tag, followed by some file documents. Anything can be placed here, such as text, images, and videos. After the file documents, is the closing protected tag.

Let’s have a look at this on the actual webpage. Here you see the page title, the header, and an open text box for the password. Once I type in the password that was in our module settings tab, I will have access to the files that were in the content area of my protected tags.

Let’s go back to MediaStove. I’m going to type in the word test text under my closing protected tag, and save the page. Now if I go back over to my webpage, you can see that my test text appears.

Congratulations! You now know how to create a password protected page.

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